Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Danse Macabre

I was surprised at how interesting I found learning about dance as an art form was. Being a white male, I have never considered myself to be a good or even adequate dancer. I have always viewed dancing as just something girls like, and therefore a good thing to do now and then when I’m with a girl I want to get with. Coincidentally, this is the same way I feel about watching The Notebook.

Every guy owns one copy for use in the right time. Admit it.

I also must say that I thoroughly enjoyed watching my high school’s dance team perform, but that had a lot more to do with raging hormones than an appreciation of the art form. And confession: I lied in my first sentence of this blog. When I began writing this, I thought that I would just lie and say that I have had some great epiphany and realized my love for dance, much like I discovered a latent interest in paintings and architecture. But who am I kidding? I still can’t get into dance. Sorry guys. Maybe my dislike of dance is just my body’s response to my inadequacy on the dance floor; an evolutionary guarding mechanism preventing me from public humiliation. Maybe I am not comfortable enough with my manhood to find an interest in something stereotypically “sissy.” But not only can I not get into the heavy stuff like ballet or cultural dances, but I can’t even get into dances that are “cool” and “hip!” I didn’t even like the movie Step Up! We watched a part of the ballet Swan Lake in class this week, and I tried to get into it, I really did. I memorized the different dance terms in a hope that if I could shout things like “That was a perfectly executed Pirouette!” maybe I could understand the beauty of it. No luck. I tried using the sad fact that any given male danseur is probably stronger than I will ever be to convince myself that there is no manlier calling than being a man dancing ballet (except of course being a lumberjack, the epitome of manhood). No Luck there either.

By looking at this photo you just grew 5 chest hairs.

Anyways, for whatever reason, I just can not get into dance. I have tried hard to appreciate it, and who knows, maybe an increased knowledge of it will help me embrace it (don’t count on it). You probably didn’t learn anything useful from this blog; in fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if you know less now that you have read it.  If nothing else, i hope that while this blog may not have been educational or even relevant, maybe it was enjoyable and funny.  Following that note, here is a completely irrelevant but funny picture.

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