Saturday, July 18, 2009

I Have Changed.

I have found it interesting to talk about art from around the world in class. We have discussed art from all over Europe from many different time periods. It has made me really want to take a trip to Europe. I Feel that I would be able to better appreciate much of what is there now. I now know the history behind specific buildings such as the Parthenon, Pantheon, and the Haggia Sophia. In addition, I know various architectural styles and they are composed of. I could go to a Renaissance building and admire the arcades and pediments, go to an ancient Greek temple and tell my friends whether the columns are Doric or Ionic, I can go to a Romanesque church and explain the significance of the rose window.  

In addition to architecture, I have found that learning about paintings has been interesting. I feel that I have a much better analytical eye for art now, and can look for symbolism, themes, lines, and color contrasts to get an idea of what the artist way trying to convey. I feel that I have been able to connect with paintings on a much more emotional level than ever before. Before this class, I would have looked at Van Gogh’s Crows Over Cornfield and thought “His cornfield looks like vomit, what an idiot.”

Now however, I can look at the swirling shapes, abrupt end to the middle path, and the ominous appearance of the crows and see into the disturbed mind of a man about to end his life. This has been a great change for me, and I have never enjoyed art, or thinking about art like this before. I wish I had taken this class before I went to Washington D.C. last summer, as we stopped at the National Gallery of Art, and I would have appreciated it much more. I spent only an hour there, and felt that that was too long. Now however, I feel that I could be in there for 3 days and not be satiated. This class certainly has brought a profound change in the way I view art and the human experience


  1. I too am thankful for what I've learned in the class. It is enjoyable to look at something and understand more about it.

  2. You know, I like art, but I still can only handle a certain amount of it. After a long time, everything starts to look the same. I do have a better understanding and appreciation for the arts now. With modern art, sometimes I feel I can be the artist now. Artwork does not seem to be the same as it was before the modern art movement. Well, that is my opinion.

  3. I really appreciate your blog post Cory. Art becomes so much more meaningful, and fun to look at, when you know a little bit about how to look at it. I have a hard time spending much time in museums too, but sometimes things can combine to make a really wonderful experience, and then it's worth the time and effort you put in to it.
